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Based on the graphic novel by award-winning author Terry John Barto.
Players become part of a miniature city and chase a monkey to a mythological world. A fearsome multi-headed snake smashes an important artifact, and the gamers must navigate obstacles to find the missing pieces through wit and skill.
To enter the game, players must configure the panel of a Rubiciube (similar to a Rubik's Cube). When the gemstones' "faces" match correctly, multi-color rays shroud the screen, transporting the player into the game.
Side note: Written initially, a beam of multi-color light transports the main characters into Miniature City in a flash. However, as it plays out in The Ride, the method of entering the video game is detailed and demonstrated.
The player's uploaded picture gradually changes into an animated version of themselves. Each part of the transformation happens by taking the correct path on a roller coaster track/ labyrinth. As the wind rushes by the player's image, an animated body part attaches to them piece by piece.
Gameplay: The player boards a mining cart, and a ride operator announces rules to help them distinguish the correct path to the next phase (color consistency, formations, track matchups). As they continue on a roller coaster labyrinth, the player scores points with each correct path as each body part transforms them into their avatar.
If they take an incorrect path, the ride comes to a screeching halt. They fall into a trap (phase 1-A) to grapple with a way out, or, depending on where they are in the game, they fly into limbo, where the player takes a foggy back route to Miniature City (Phase 1-B).
When the player is entirely animated, they fling out of the mining cart and are placed into Miniature City as a fellow action figure.
Housekeeping: A backpack with the player's initials appears in the screen's lower corner to collect future items.
MEDIC ARMY MAN places a hand on the player's shoulder. "You shouldn't move too much. Not until we're sure you have all your parts and accessories." ADAPTOR pushes through the crowd and tells the Medic that the player's parts are much more complex to lose.
Direction Notes: This prominent action figure is a likable male with a trustworthy timbre and dependable sound.
"Alright, team, here's the deal." Adaptor presents the Rubicube and explains its importance. He warns that the evil action figure DARKNEL is trying to steal it.
STERLING is among the action figures. He spots a clue and goes to a nearby house to investigate.
Direction Notes: We need a Timothée Chalamet-type to give the character a "hero in the making" voice with enough confidence to lead the next game in the series.
A mischievous monkey, HANUMAN, enters the scene and snatches the Rubicube. In a golem-esque voice, he exclaims, "Mine, all mine." Sterling tells the player to catch the monkey.
The player chases Hanuman throughout Miniature City. They eventually reach a "room" with a shrinking window, and he jumps through it.
Gameplay: The player must get through the window before it closes and vanishes. Otherwise, they'll enter phase 2-A to find another way to continue to the next phase.
Add-on: When the player chases the monkey, they can stay with Sterling in another adventurous game.
Side Note: In the graphic novel, Yoga shoots down a multi-colored slide or tube, with lights and colors swirling past him as if he were crossing the entire universe in the blink of an eye. Here, the transition is a series of game events unfolding for the player.
Gameplay: The player participates in a combat sequence through a galaxy of space battles. Then, they must circle the moon correctly, hitch themselves on a shooting star, and pass certain planets to continue down the right multi-color tube. There will be rules equivalent to the roller coaster labyrinth that distinguish the correct path.
Direction Notes: We need a histrionic vocal style that builds with intensity to guide the players.
In certain parts of the game, the characters will narrate a mythology story related to yoga postures. Then, movement sections allow a break from sitting as the gamer may choose to learn the activity. After each pose is done, the player receives a distinctive MOTION badge with the character's emblem.
Housekeeping: The timestamps are beginner, medium, and advanced. After the player makes a choice, the clock begins to tick. At this point, Surya—the Day Maker—starts at the 10 a.m. position. He drives his chariot across the sky, dragging the sun behind him —game over at nightfall.
VO: "Surya rode his chariot across the sky to defeat the demons of darkness."
Afk: Surya namaskar (Sun salutation) is a moving series of connected poses that serve as a warmup. Surya is part of several myths. After his features are mentioned, a step-by-step demonstration of the movements is shown for the player to follow along.
Hanuman gazes at the Rubicube in adoration. KALIYA, a fearsome multi-headed snake, slithers in and snatches the Rubicube. Hanuman tells the player, "My cube, get my cube."
Gameplay: The player tries to get back the Rubicube and avoid being eaten by the snake. Hanuman tosses the player a sword and hides in a tree. Points for each head the player cuts off.
Sound Cue: A fading hiss with each slice.
If the player avoids doom for 28 seconds, a large bird named GARUDA flies in to help. As Garuda and Kaliya fight, pieces of the Rubicube flail about.
Direction Notes: Garuda is a vast, mythical bird with the golden body of a man, red wings, and an eagle's beak. The right voice will be literal and robust.
Gameplay: Garuda tells the player to catch the pieces and place them in their backpack—points for each piece the player finds.
Two pieces that Kaliya kept will be missing, and the player must set out to find the replacements. Enter YOGA to help.
Direction Notes: We'll cast someone with a smooth, easygoing voice and engaging eagerness.
Yoga says, "Wow, you made it far. But now you need to find the missing pieces of the Rubicube." Garuda says, "Climb aboard. I'll take you to the village."
Yoga, Hanuman, and the player climb onto the massive bird and fly over the mythological world.
Afk: Garuda imparts the story of his and Kaliya's turbulent history. Then, the gamer learns Garudasana (eagle pose).
Garuda drops them off at CHARNA's village. Hanuman gets distracted and wanders off. Garuda flies off to retrieve the central axis of the Rubicube. Yoga introduces Charna to the player and mentions the missing gems.
Direction Notes: Charna's lineage helped her obtain knowledge beyond her years, which gives her confidence and a straightforward approach.
Charna says, "We know where to look. Come on."
Enter SOORPANAKA, a shapeshifter who appears as a vile creature. Soorpanaka bares her fangs and raises her claws.
Side Note: This scene is not in the graphic novel. Although everything is tailored specially for the game, this section is a bonus for loyal fans to experience.
Yoga says, "This is new."
Charna says, "My dad warned me of this varmint."
Soorpanaka is tricky and may shapeshift into an innocent deer, insect, or bird. Charna and Yoga struggle with her as the player recognizes her differing shapes. Charna says, "If Soorpanaka gets away, she'll tell her brother."
Gameplay: Players look for similar colors that remain no matter what shape she becomes. Points for each time the player identifies her new shape. Points are subtracted if they are wrong.
Power Up: If they catch her in the original form, the player gets bonus points, skips the following section, and moves on to phase 7.
Soorpanaka prevails. Angrily, she hurries back to her brother Ravana's lair.
Yoga says, "Let's go. Hopefully, she won't find us."
Cutscene: Soorpanaka's brother, RAVANA, commands his army of demons to prepare for war. Soorpanaka shows the mob where she left the player and the kids.
Charna and Yoga lead the player on a path over a mountain. At the mouth of the valley, Ravana's army gathers. Soorpanaka points at the player and the kids.
The floor rumbles, and the trees shake as numerous glowing eyes emerge from the jungle's darkness. Charna gives the player a bow and arrow.
Gameplay: The player must shoot down 80 demons to clear a path to continue their journey, scoring a point for each member of the army's downfall.
Charna ushers them into a system of caves. The player enters and pursues a tunnel.
Gameplay: Players look for symbols that lead them to a room-sized cave. Once inside, they must unlock a riddle lock to access the gems.
Direction Notes: The riddle references "giving up what you want to gain what you desire."
If they trip a failsafe, the symbol disappears into a funnel. If they succeed, a door-shaped wall section slides inward. Charna says, "Now, we have to go this way."
The kids, followed by the player, step through the "door" and slide down a multi-colored slide or tube, similar to the one that transported them from Miniature City.
As the player disappears down the chute, gloomy shadows of silhouetted figures approach the "door" from the tunnel leading out of the cave.
A large "cloud" of multi-colored mists surrounds the pool where the waters collect. Roiling mists form a cube-shaped prism room around them.
ASTAVAKRA steps from the mists and marches toward them. The player may perceive him as menacing due to a curse that made him crooked in eight places. But he's not threatening at all.
Direction Notes: We need a Pee-wee Herman vocal style resonating through the space to make the scene fun.
Afk: Astavakra tells them his story, emphasizing the importance of not judging a book by its cover. This posture is advanced, and he will demonstrate a modified version of Astavakrasana (Eight-Angle Pose).
Side note: In the story, Astavakra speaks of the issues he experienced growing up and his journey to King Janaka during a royal assembly. The myth has Astavakra set out to regain his father's freedom in a philosophical discussion.
Gameplay: The game will focus on topical questions appropriate for the age group. Points for each task completed.
Once the player passes this roadblock, they slide down another multi-colored slide or tube and land in a wondrous landscape.
Light refraction comes and goes based on the viewing angle. "Whoa… there are endless possibilities…" Yoga stammers. Charna agrees. They begin turning, pausing to focus their vision down the paths, one after another.
Charna stops and says, "GOT IT!" as she sees the right path. "Let's go, " she says, gesturing for the player to follow.
Gameplay: The player can only enter when the light fully ignites this path.
The player and the kids head down the path. As they vanish, Darknel and his Bobble Headsmen step into view.
Direction Notes: This is our first real sight of the villain; he looks cruel and menacing. The bobbleheads, not so much, add a slight comedic flair to the moment.
The player and the kids approach the end of the walkway; a bright golden glow showers the screen.
They step off the walkway and see a giant gold temple decorated with various gems. Each gem casts out a beam of multi-colored light.
Sound Cue: As they enter the temple, we hear a "sproing." (The bobbles are moving quickly to catch up).
Each has a different object on display sitting atop raised daises. In one antechamber, they see the first gem—secured inside a gilded bird cage with no door.
The kids beeline for the gem—Charna and Yoga move through the Archer Pose—at first, Charna gets it right, but Yoga does not. Nothing happens.
Afk: In Akarna Dhanurasana (Archer pose), you can direct the arrow of awareness to yourself in the present moment. Charna will break down the movement here so the gamer can follow along.
Gameplay: Charna instructs the player how to modify the move inside the game; it's like a lightning bolt with a short zig, a long zag, and a curve.
Sound Cue: Once the player moves correctly, chiming sounds fill the air.
The gilded cage rises up and away from the gem. The player clicks the gem, racks up points, and the gem goes into their backpack.
"Okay, there's one left!" Yoga announces. And I bet it's in there." He points to the far side of the main chamber, where a smaller doorway leads into the darkness, with some light flickering back in. They head there and stride into darkness.
Cutscene: The bobbles come through the entryway and try to move all ninja-like.
The player and the kids enter a massive room in the dark antechamber. Fifty yards ahead, a spinning globe is projecting colored beams of light.
We see the final gem cube on the floor—the source of the light beams. Charna glides through the archer pose to stay focused. Yoga tells the player to pick it up. The player clicks the gem, raises more points, and places it in their backpack.
Just as they exit, the bobbles emerge from hiding and demand that they give them the gems. A fight ensues.
Gameplay: Yoga tells the player to hang on to the gems and explains a way out. The player tries to avoid being caught by the bobbles as they close in on themselves, Yoga, and Charna.
Yoga pulls a discus from his jacket, and Charna produces a staff. They use warrior poses to win a back-and-forth fight with the bobbles.
Afk: The tale of Lord Shiva is told how he manifested the mythical warrior Virabhadra. Virabhadrasana (Warrior one and two ) are related lunging standing poses delivered here.
Cutscene: Darknel is atop a mountain as the bobbles stagger up. "The kids have powerful weapons, and we can't overcome them." Darknel laughs maniacally. "Leave that to me! And me! And me!" An entire army of half-sized Darknel action figures appears behind them. Darknel exclaims, "Meet my Monocronies!"
The Monocronies race down the hillside toward the kids and the player.
Gameplay: Like a frisbee, Yoga tosses the discus to the player. The player reflects the sun off the discus and beams rays at the Monocronies, who vanish in a puff of smoke—points per strike.
Sound Cue: Instead of a puff sound, as described in the graphic novel, let's use something fun, like the sound of a ghost catching a Pac-Man character or the losing sound on The Price is Right.
A large shadowy black raven, the size of a Clydesdale, flies into the scene. The bird blocks portions of the sun, speeds up the timestamp, and limits the ability to reflect light onto the Monocronies. Charna uses her staff to mow them down as the black raven flies toward them.
Amid the mayhem, Garuda returns with the central axis of the Rubicube and drops it to Yoga. Garuda wards off the black raven.
Yoga tells the player, "We gotta get out of here, fast." Yoga grabs the backpack to get the pieces of the Rubicube. Configures it and beams Charna, the player, and himself to Miniature City.
WGAw registration: 2247130
• Mad Avenue
• MID.evil
• Sci-Fi Ship
• Dinosaur Run
• Ancient Pyramid
• WWII Battlefield
• Halls of the Samurai
• Shiva’s Citadel
• Cyberpunk City
Terry John Barto - Copyright © 2025 Castle Crossing - All Rights Reserved.
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